Joining the Wartburg College community is about much more than sending your student to college. It’s about sharing experiences that your family will talk about for years to come, from New Student Orientation to the annual Homecoming & Family Weekend to Commencement.
We follow the Wartburg College mission statement that we are dedicated to challenging and nurturing students for lives of leadershiop and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning.
Please use the resources on this website to stay connected with us so we can better serve you and our students. Please contact us anytime you have questions. If we can’t answer your question we will be sure to connect you with someone who can. Feel free to call us at 319-352-8491 or email parents@wartburg.edu.
For the full calendar of events, visit www.wartburg.edu/calendar.
We’ve wrapped up our second season of Knights to Know — check out two years’ worth of panels featuring a whole range of Knights. (And stay tuned for news about season three!)
Has your student joined Knight Nation? It’s a new platform to connect with alumni and the wider Wartburg community for mentoring, job shadowing, career discernment, and more. Check it out!
The Athletic Booster Club Cash Draw is Saturday, March 29 — reserve your lucky number before it’s gone to be in with a chance for the $2,000 grand prize and so much more.
UKnight Day will be here Thursday, March 27 — mark your calendar now, and then send us some Wartburg photos for use in a special project!
Our students will be job-shadowing in Minneapolis and Des Moines next month — come out to meet them and other Knights in the area at a social in each city on April 22!
Our students are hard at work on research projects, internships, and creative endeavors — come see their hard work on RICE Day, which is Thursday, April 10.
Learn how these students realized their purpose at Wartburg.
Parents of Current Students – FAQs
The Academic Resource Center in the Vogel Library can provide resources and advice to help your student get back on track.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
Wartburg students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature fashion and respect the rights of other students. Because the college community encourages self-discipline to promote responsibility, parents are rarely asked to be involved with situations unless they are deemed necessary. Click here to view the student handbook, which includes policies and resources.
As a parent you have spent the last 18 or more years looking out for your student which is great, but the college years is an important time for your student to grow. This can include letting them figure some things out on their own. Walking the fine line between being there to support your student vs. stepping in to do things for them can be tricky sometimes.
The Campus Safety and Security Office provides information about the safety of the Wartburg campus on its Web site.
Tell your student to visit the Internship Coordinator for assistance in setting up an internship.
Career Services in the Student Success Center can help your student explore career and major goals, construct a resume and credential file, and job search strategies.
Send your student to the Student Success Center for advice when looking at graduate and professional schools.
Send your student to the Academic Resource Center for advising and resources. Also, they can check out the various academic programs through the Web site.
Sticker price is the total yearly cost of a college education, but net price is what you actually pay after scholarships and grants are factored in. Private colleges typically start with a higher sticker price but are also more generous with financial aid dollars than lower-priced public colleges. Some students pay less than the average net price, and some pay more, but all Wartburg students receive an incredible, high-quality education at a workable cost.
Assistant Director of Alumni & Parent Relations
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement
Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement & Mentoring
Office Coordinator - Alumni & Parent Engagement