Visitor & Student Parking
Visitor & Student Parking
Special Commencement Parking (Elderly and Handicap): Lots B & M
Parking is permitted in all lots during Commencement weekend.
Parking Areas
Select an option below to view information.
B Lot – Registered student parking only. Located at the corner of 12th Street and Wilson Avenue. Assigned by class seniority.
C Lot – Registered student parking only. Located at the northwest corner of 12th Street and Fifth Avenue. Assigned by class seniority.
D Lot – Registered students and temporary student parking. Located on Fifth Avenue between 13th Street and Hertel Field. D Lot is also the designated parking lot for unregistered vehicles pending registration and for registered visitors.
N Lot – Registered student parking only. Located north of Fifth Avenue and to the east and north of Knights Village. Assigned by seniority and by need.
Temporary Permits. Temporary permits are available for a period not to exceed three weeks without a specific exception approved by the Director of Campus Security & Safety. If the student already has a vehicle registered for the academic year, there is no charge for a temporary permit in their assigned parking lot. Other temporary parking permits are dated and are ordinarily for D Lot only.
Commuter Parking. Commuters may park in F Lot, A Lot, O Lot, and the city streets surrounding campus.
Motorcycle Parking. Motorcycles must be registered and parked in designated motorcycle parking only, unless the student is a registered commuting student.
2024-25 Parking Fees
Lot D | $125.00 |
Lot C | $250.00 |
Lot B | $235.00 |
Lot N | $335.00 |
Commuter | $55.00 |
Late Parking Registration Fee | $55.00 |
All but commuter fees are prorated if the student brings or removes a vehicle during the course of the year.
Parking lots are designated by letter and are reserved for vehicles correctly displaying the appropriate lot decal. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for obtaining a visitor parking pass for the vehicles of their guests. Tickets written on visitor vehicles may be charged to the student host. Visitor parking passes are not permitted for student-used vehicles.
Visitor permits are issued for 24, 48, or 72 hours maximum. Visitor permits are free. To complete the registration for a visitor’s vehicle, the student host must be present at the time of request, provide Campus Security with the name of student, visitor’s name, description and license plate information of the visitor’s vehicle, and student host cell phone number.
A Lot – Faculty, staff, commuter, and visitor parking only. Located west of 12th Street between B Lot and the Physical Plant building.
E Lot – Faculty, staff, commuter, and visitor parking only. Located on the east side of campus near Saemann Student Center, Whitehouse Business Center, Luther Hall, and Neumann Auditorium. Absolutely no overnight parking without a special permit from Wartburg Security.
F Lot – Faculty, staff, commuter, and visitor parking only. Located south of the Fine Arts Center and the Science Center.
L Lot – Faculty, staff, commuter, and visitor parking only. Located west of Vogel Library and south of the Sports and Wellness Center
M Lot – Sports & Wellness Center members only. Located north of the Sports & Wellness Center public entrance. No students, including commuting students, may use this lot. M Lot is enforced at all times.
O Lot – Overflow lot for M Lot. Sports & Wellness Center members, commuters and visitor parking allowed. Located on the southwest intersection of 12th Street NW and 5th Avenue NW. No resident student parking and no overnight parking without a special permit from Campus Security.
S Lot – Faculty, staff, and visitors only. Located north of First Avenue on the southeast corner of campus.
Temporary Permits. Temporary permits are available for a period not to exceed two weeks without a specific exception approved by the Deputy Director or Director of Campus Security & Safety. If the student already has a vehicle registered for the academic year, there is no charge for a temporary permit in their assigned parking lot. Other temporary parking permits are dated and are ordinarily for D Lot only.
Commuter Parking. Commuters may park in A Lot, E Lot, F Lot, L Lot, O Lot, and the city streets surrounding campus. Note: commuters parking on city streets and on campus property must relocate their vehicle every 48 hours unless Wartburg Security has issued a temporary pass.
Motorcycle Parking. Motorcycles must be registered and parked in designated motorcycle parking only, unless the student is a registered commuting student.
Student Parking Regulations
A. Parking registration is mandatory from the first day of Fall Term through the last day of May Term for all students, faculty, and staff who bring any motor vehicle (automobile, truck, motorcycle, or moped) to campus or park on public streets within a two-block radius from the campus boundary.
B. Student registrations are valid for one academic year. Faculty and staff registrations have no set expiration. Visitor registrations may not exceed 72 hours without written exception approved by the Director of Campus Security & Safety. Temporary permits are available for those needing to bring a vehicle to campus for a limited time. Temporary permit rules are found in paragraph III. C.
C. Students must provide Campus Security & Safety with their vehicle’s make, model, year, color, license plate number, and state of registration. Registration decals may be withheld pending receipt of this information, and students who have not supplied this information will be required to park in D Lot regardless of their actual lot assignment.
D. Parking assignments are made by seniority. Current students may register for the next academic year in the spring. Campus Security will make an announcement when registration can begin. After initial lot assignments are made, subsequent vacancies will be filled based on GPA from a standing list initiated the first week of Fall Term.
E. Once registered, students remain registered for that parking lot through the academic year unless they request to be added to the standing list and are approved to move to another lot.
F. Students with Residential Life approval to reside off campus and part-time students living off campus must register as a commuting student. Commuter registration allows students to park on city streets surrounding campus or in F, O, and A lots. Overnight Parking is allowed only in A and L Lot and on streets, as allowed by city ordinance.
G. Resident students are limited to one active registration at any given time. Vehicles may be substituted during the academic year. Regardless of the vehicle, students must park in their assigned lot. When bringing a different vehicle to campus, park in D Lot or the assigned lot pending registration. If a decal or temporary permit, as applicable, has not been received, call Campus Security & Safety at 9999 and provide the student’s name, license number, and vehicle description. Students who do not have a registered vehicle must park in D Lot pending registration and lot assignment. Commuting students, faculty, and staff may register more than one vehicle concurrently. If student-registered vehicles are changed for other than a temporary period, a decal charge applies.
H. Parking registration vouchers are not transferable and cannot be placed on any vehicle other than the one originally registered. Decals must be adhered to the outside of the lower left (driver’s side) of the rear window. Taping the decal inside the window is not permitted unless the vehicle is a pickup truck with camper top, a convertible, or other situation approved by the Director of Campus Security & Safety.
I. EMT/Firefighter — Students employed as emergency medical technicians (EMT) with the Waverly Health Center and members of the Waverly Volunteer Fire Department may apply for a special decal to allow exception parking while on call. There is no fee for this decal.
J. Special Permit — Students who have time constraints because of off-campus commitments may request a temporary permit to park outside their assigned lot on a temporary basis. There is no charge for this permit. Such a permit may require submission of a class schedule, a letter on letterhead, or an email from the employer explaining the student’s work schedule. Permits are issued on a case-by-case basis.
K. Parking fees are listed on the Campus Security & Safety website on the parking page, They also are available in the Campus Security office.
L. Parking at Wartburg College is a privilege. Parking fines exceeding $500 in one academic year may result in the loss of parking privileges for the remainder of that academic year. Once parking privileges are suspended or revoked, any vehicle subsequently found on campus or in the parking enforcement area will be billed as an unregistered vehicle along with the associated parking violation, and the student will be referred to the Student Conduct Board.
M. May Term — Students with a valid parking registration for either Fall or Winter Term are not charged for parking during May Term. Students bringing a car to campus for only May Term are charged the prevailing temporary parking rate.
There are three tiers of parking enforcement periods.
Fines may be assessed every 8-hour period the vehicle is in violation. However, fire-lane, service-drive, and loading-zone violations may be assessed as often as necessary to deter violations.
The reckless operation of a motor vehicle, driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, failure to comply with the directions of Wartburg Security & Safety, failure to register a vehicle, failure to pay parking fines, or repetitive violations of the college parking regulations may be considered violations of the Student Code. Suspected violators may be referred to the Student Conduct Board for disciplinary action.