Wartburg students are involved
Wartburg has more than 100 campus groups, organizations, music ensembles, and athletic teams for students to join. Most Wartburg students participate in at least one co-curricular activity.
To maintain eligibility, a recognized student organization must renew their application for recognition with Student Life every year by Sept. 20. All currently recognized student organizations will receive renewal instructions at the beginning of each academic year. This information will be sent out via an online form. This annual renewal process must provide Student Life with the following information:
- Officer Information (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer)
- Advisor Information
- A copy of the current organization constitution/bylaws (as requested or if changes have been made)
- A membership roster – complete with all active members of the organization
- Meeting dates or days/times/locations
Additionally, groups must:
- Host three meetings or one event each semester
- Participate in the involvement fair (when applicable to membership recruitment)
- Participate in organizational/leadership workshops (Operation Organization)
- Have an active 60/agency account or other on-campus account with the Business Office and maintain a positive balance or let the Student Life know the group will not have any financial transactions, therefore there is not a need to have an account. This account must be kept with a positive or zero balance at all times.
- Complete the annual reports sent out every April
NOTE: If the designated deadline is missed this is considered a lapse in recognition and the organization will need to process as a new club or organization following the steps listed above.
Changes in the Organization
Organizations MUST notify Student Life within two weeks if there is a change in the leadership or advisor. If this deadline is missed it is considered a lapse in recognition. Groups that have lost recognition and wish to start-up again must apply as if they were an entirely new organization through the process designated by Student Senate and Student Life.
The deadline for all student organization applications to be completed and submitted is February 1 of the academic year you are seeking to gain approval within. This is also the deadline for Senate allocations.