Event Promotion Toolkit

These resources are for campus organizations and departments only.
All other promotions must go through the Strategic Marketing & Communication Office for approval.

Be sure to submit your event to be included in The Juice campus e-newsletter.

Posting on Campus Bulletin Boards

  1. Email a PDF proof to markcomm@wartburg.edu or bring a sample to the Marketing & Communication Office (Luther Hall 106) or Student Life Office (Saemann Student Center 195) for approval.
  2. All posters must include the name of the organization sponsoring the activity along with the date, time, and location.
  3. Contact information must be included to allow viewers to follow up with questions.
  4. Once approval is granted (all posters must be stamped by M&C or Student Life), a maximum of 7 can be hung in academic buildings and 20 total in residence halls.
  5. You must put up your posters no more than one month prior to the event and remove them once the event is finished.  
  6. For course posters created by faculty: Course posters may remain on bulletin boards up to one month (please write posting date on back bottom corner).
  7. For posters from non-Wartburg organizations: Off-campus organizations may be eligible to post on specific community-designated boards with permission from Marketing and Communication, Student Life, or The W. This includes community events, election information (voting locations, job postings, etc.). No advertising for business promotion will be permitted. All political candidate postings must be event-based or for intern/job postings.

Posting Locations: View posting locations map (PDF)

Posting Guidelines
All Wartburg College student organizations, departments, and offices may display posters at the discretion of the Marketing and Communication and Student Life offices. All posted material must be consistent with the mission of the College and not be in violation of College policy or civil law. Please note that student organizations that have applied for recognition, but have been denied, may not be eligible for the privileges of the posting policy. This depends upon the circumstances for which they were not recognized and is decided by the director of student engagement or a designee. College administration reserves the right to remove postings at any time or deny the posting of posters. Please note this document is subject to change.

  • Posters/fliers CANNOT be placed on walls, windshields, windows, doors, seats, benches, ledges, or practice room boards.
  • Posting on department bulletin boards requires permission from the department.
  • Wartburg College prohibits advertising that promotes the sale or irresponsible use of alcohol (such as drink specials) and the sponsorship of alcoholic beverages. Events scheduled in a location and time where alcohol consumption is likely are subject to review and possible rejection.
  • Posters must not obstruct other posters or the campus/community designation in the corner of the board.
  • Posters and event promotion exceptions are at the discretion of the Marketing & Communication Office. This may include deviations from the above policies to promote institutional events and brand initiatives. Only materials designed by and approved by Marketing & Communication will be permitted.

Our campus has digital signage displays in many public spaces and along the skywalk. This is a great way to publicize your campus event.  Signage is required to be submitted in a ready-to-use format with the specifications shown below.

All posters must include the name of the organization sponsoring the activity along with the date, time, and location.

Contact information
must be included to allow viewers to follow up with questions. Provide an email address for the contact person and/or phone number for the sponsoring organization.

A two-week posting period is allowed for most events. Special consideration can be made for year-round reminders and services by special request in your form and approval from Strategic Marketing & Communication.

Specifications —
JPG or PDF filetype
Dimensions: 1920×1080 pixel minimum (16:9 ratio)
Resolution: 100 ppi minimum (150ppi preferred)
Signage not conforming to these specifications will not be posted.

Several templates are available for you to use or as a starting point for your digital sign.

If your event is open to the public, complete the form below for a press release to be created by Marketing & Communication. All Wartburg event releases will be posted the Wartburg News website. If you receive any media inquiries, be sure to follow the guide from Marketing & Communication. Be sure to contact them before you agree to an interview.

  • Student organizations can provide flyers for mailbox stuffing for a flat fee of $25.
  • All organizations must have their flyer approved by the Marketing and Communication Office prior to printing and stuffing.
  • 1,500 flyers must be provided. Extras will be returned if a contact is provided.
  • Organizations do not need to address each flyer, but flyers must be folded to fit in mailboxes.
  • Requesting organizations must assist in picking up any flyers littering the building or campus. 
  • Wartburg College prohibits flyers that promote alcohol or a business group where alcohol is sold.
  • Only Mail Center personnel are allowed to stuff mailboxes.
  • Organizations that frequently do mailbox stuffing that results in excessive waste at the campus mail boxes may be prohibited from further mailbox stuffing.

Other Promotion Options

  • Submit Email Announcements: Review our broadcast email policies.
  • Table tents: To reserve up to 100 table tents (4″x8″) in the Mensa, Den, Zesty Orange, or Konditorei, contact Dining Services, 352-8303.
  • Display case reservations: Two cases are available on the first floor of Saemann Student Center. To reserve a case, contact Kayla Seppelt.
  • Display or registration tables: To reserve a table on the lower level of Saemann Student Center, contact Kayla Seppelt.
  • Student Center Stairway Banners: Reservations can be made with Kayla Seppelt.
  • Helpful tip: Remember to use social media to create events and promote as well.

Posting and Symbolic Expression Policies

Posting Policy
In the spirit of Wartburg College’s mission to develop students’ leadership and learning so that they can be civically engaged individuals, the following posting policy has been developed. Signs that are in alignment with the College’s Symbolic Expression Policy may be posted in student rooms, including on windows and residence room doors. For example, a sign supporting the campaign of a candidate for public office would be appropriate to display. However, messages in violation of the Symbolic Expression Policy will be removed. Similarly, recognized student organizations may post signs supporting candidates, issues, and platforms, so long as the endorsement by the organization does not purport to be an endorsement by Wartburg College.

Symbolic Expression Policy
The Wartburg College community is committed to creating and maintaining a mutually respectful environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity among all students, faculty, and staff. We value freedom of expression as it leads to learning and the broadening of one’s perspective. Expressions of hate and oppression discourage the free exchange of ideas that promote learning, for they marginalize voices and create hostile and unwelcoming environments. Given that, symbols of hate and oppression are not permitted on campus, unless they are utilized for the purpose of teaching, college-approved art, or for educational or historical displays. Symbols of hate expressly forbidden include, but is not limited to, the confederate flag, swastikas, and the presentation of slurs related to race, sexual orientation, gender, religion or other identities. The display of the symbols of hate is prohibited from all Wartburg College events and properties, including but not limited to: offices, storage rooms, classrooms, dining areas, lobbies, lounges, residence hall common areas, and all areas in public or plain view. This includes, but is not limited to, depictions of such expressions of hate on bumper stickers, clothing, and other apparel. When questions arise as to whether an expression is a symbol of hate, the Student Life staff will empanel three College employees to decide. Appeals of their decision may be directed to the Dean of Students. The decision of the Dean of Students is final and there are no further appeals.