Orientation at Wartburg introduces our incoming class to their new community while preparing new students for success beyond the first year. Students are expected to attend all activities and programming, where important information will be shared. During orientation, first-year students get a head start on their academics by starting their SEM 100 course early. This course serves as a home-base for first-year students and aims to assist students in their transition into college life by encouraging their involvement, both curricular and co-curricular, in activities and experiences that will enrich personal growth and development and be sustained throughout a student’s academic career. Orientation groups will consist of the same students enrolled in each SEM 100  section. We can’t wait to get to know you at New Student Orientation!

More Information:
Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 319-352-8486

Lindsey Leonard

Associate Dean of Community Life

Goals for Orientation:

Connect with new friends, upperclassmen, faculty and staff.

Get acquainted with the mission, programs, and services of the college.

Gain support for your exciting transition to college life.

See for yourself that Wartburg is the right choice for you.

Do I have to attend all the sessions during Orientation?

Important information is shared at all activities and programs throughout orientation, so we expect students to attend all four days. Once you get started, you won’t want to miss out on anything Fall Orientation has to offer! 

What’s the point of going to Orientation?

Orientation allows new students the opportunity to connect with new friends, upperclassman, faculty and staff. While doing this, attendees are given a comprehensive look at Wartburg College to learn more about their Residence Hall, resources on campus, involvement opportunities, and skills to adjust and thrive at their new home!

What will I be doing during Orientation?

Orientation offers four full day of activities to help new students get to know their fellow Knights and campus better. You will have the chance to mingle with those in your Residence Hall, meet with your advisor and other students in your academic program, learn about class locations, and get to know your campus better. Orientation also includes a unique Convocation and Knighting Ceremony! Click here to view the schedule.

When will I have classes over Orientation?
SEM 100 (and HON 100) is an introductory course for all new students at Wartburg College. This course assists students in their transition to college by encouraging involvement that will enrich personal growth and development throughout their years on campus. Orientation groups will consist of the same students enrolled in each SEM 100 course, with the actual course meeting twice throughout Orientation. 

What if I’m not able to attend Orientation?

Should an important life event be keeping you from attending orientation, please contact the Director of Student Engagement, Lindsey Leonard, to discuss your unique situation. 

What should I bring to Orientation?

The most important thing to bring with you to Orientation is a positive attitude! The Orientation Staff has worked hard to develop a series of programs that give you a jumpstart to your academic year. Get the most out of the experience by engaging fully in the activities provided. 

When does Orientation start and finish?

Programming will begin Saturday with New Student Move-In and Orientation Check-In from 8 a.m. to noon. Orientation is for four days and ends Tuesday evening. Classes begin the next morning, so students will have plenty of time that evening to rest up for the exciting year ahead!