Academic Affairs Office

Debora Johnson-Ross, Ph.D.

Vice President of Academic Affairs / Dean of the Faculty

Sally Malcolm

Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Zak Montgomery

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Barb Schultz

Instructional Designer

College Honors are bestowed upon graduates who earn 18 course credits at Wartburg and achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.500-3.699 (Cum Laude), 3.700-3.849 (Magna Cum Laude), or 3.850-4.000 (Summa Cum Laude).

Dean’s List Requirements
In order to be on the Dean’s List, the following requirements must be met:

Fall Term 
– Four course credits completed
– Three course credits taken for a traditional grade (not pass option or P/F courses)
– Term GPA of 3.500 or above
– No incompletes

Winter/May Term
– Five total course credits completed
– Four course credits taken for a traditional grade
– Term GPA of 3.500 or above (includes Winter and May Terms)
– No incompletes

Dean’s Honor Cords
The Wartburg College Dean’s Honor Cords are given to the graduating senior students who have excelled academically. Graduating seniors who have earned the top 40 grade point averages at the end of the Fall term prior to graduation are recognized at Commencement by these cords. Students graduating in the previous December Commencement are included in this honor.

The Faculty

More than 90 full-time ranked and titled faculty members design and carry out the academic program at Wartburg College. Part-time faculty members complement the full-time faculty by providing courses in special areas of expertise. The earned doctorate is the terminal degree for all ranked faculty except in the areas of accounting, business administration, computer science, music therapy, social work, and studio art, where the appropriate master’s degree is the minimum qualification for appointment. Among ranked faculty members, 84 percent hold earned doctorates and 98 percent hold terminal degrees in their fields.Wartburg recruits faculty nationally. Professors have earned degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Miami University, University of Michigan, Iowa State University, Indiana University, UCLA, Princeton Theological Seminary, University of Iowa, State University of New York, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, Northwestern, Stanford University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Boston University, the Ohio State University, University of Minnesota, Emory University, University of Nebraska, University of Oregon, West Virginia University, Texas Tech University, University of Notre Dame, Southern Illinois University, University of California, University of Chicago, University of Pittsburgh, Kent State University, University of Colorado, University of Georgia, Washington University, Clark University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Syracuse University, University of Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma State.

Honorary Degrees

Wartburg College confers honorary degrees in order to acknowledge and pay tribute to individuals who, by virtue of their distinguished service or outstanding achievement, have demonstrated the personal qualities and values which the College espouses in our mission and goals. In honoring these persons, we are saying to the world that their character, conduct and concerns are in accord with the fundamental principles underlying our educational mission. In each case, it should be particularly appropriate that Wartburg College be the institution to award the honorary degree. In this way, the College can publicly affirm and celebrate its mission, goals and vision by the honorary degrees it confers.