Student Life Administration

Greg Kneser

Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students

Lindsay Bienemann

Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Student Life

Wartburg College Student Life Vision Statement
In support of the college’s mission, and in collaboration with others, the Student Life Staff aspires to be collaborative leaders that empower students to claim their callings. 

Statement of Values
We seek to articulate values that guide our actions. Our values are aspirational and practical.  They reflect who we strive to become and how we lead each day.  They communicate to others what to expect from us and they remind us of how to treat ourselves and others.   Our values are:

  • Grace – We will bring compassion, kindness, empathy and courage to our work.
  • Advocacy – We seek to understand the student perspective, provide outlets for them to directly express themselves through student involvement, leadership and service, while utilizing our voices to work for what is best for students. 
  • Diversity and Inclusion – We strive to understand the lens through which we see the world so that we can better understand and learn from the diverse experiences of others. We value the diversity of our community and work to ensure we model respect and inclusivity. 
  • Collaboration – To achieve what is best for students, we cannot do it alone.  As we work with others, we strive to bring passion, transparency, solutions, and when appropriate, joy and humor. 
  • Accountability and Equity – We work to model and uphold community standards that provide an environment that encourages learning, civility and equity. 

Campus Safety & Security

Dean Cockerham

Director of Campus Security & Safety

Career Connections Center

Jo Dorrance

Associate Director for Internships

Derek Solheim '93

Associate Dean of Students for Careers & Vocation

Amy Tucker '10

Associate Director for Career Connections & Student Engagement

Community Life

Lindsey Leonard

Associate Dean of Community Life

Counseling Services

Stephanie Newsom

Director of Counseling Services

Dining, Catering and Events

Marty Johnson

Director of Dining Services

Kayla Seppelt

Director of Camps and Events

Inclusive Community and International Student Services

Krystal Madlock

Associate Dean for Inclusive Community

Residential Life

Ben Rieber

Area Coordinator - Clinton, Founders

Nancy Lopes

Area Coordinator - Ubuntu Center

Alli Summers

Associate Director for Residential Life and Title IX Coordinator

Courtney Tripp-Stuck

Director of Residential Life & First Year Transition - Grossman and Löhe