The Career Connections Center (CCC) helps students accomplish their future goals through an intentional focus on vocational discovery and leadership. Working one-on-one with professional staff, student success coaches and mentors, students learn to leverage their skills for the next steps on their journey. The CCC helps students explore opportunities for their future — including internships, service, graduate and professional schools, and career and life planning.

 HOURS: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays | PHONE: (319) 352-8260

Emily Hauber stands in front of laundered uniforms at CITY Clean and Simple.

Learn ways to best leverage your strengths and understand best practices when starting your job search process.

Tobias Polk, Intern, with Supervisor

Gain important work experience before you graduate. Build your professional network and earn credit toward graduation.

MLK Day - students discussing in group

Learn from alumni and other professionals in the field to help equip you for your career journey.

Commencement Photo - two grads

Find alumni mentors in your field and make important connections to set you up for what’s next.

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Handshake is an online system designed to connect students, alumni and employers during their internship or job search process.

Dani Gordon at Wartburg West

Discover your purpose in life by exploring your vocation. Learn about yourself and how you can use your gifts for the needs of the world.


Jo Dorrance

Associate Director for Internships

Derek Solheim '93

Associate Dean of Students for Careers & Vocation

Amy Tucker '10

Associate Director for Career Connections & Student Engagement