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A political science major offers preparation for a career or further education in public policy-making, law, urban planning, international commerce, diplomatic service, and political campaigns.The political science major is available through the Social Sciences Department. Social science courses offer experience in project-based course work and opportunities for original scholarly research, incorporating field trips and off-campus study throughout the United States and abroad. In recent years, psychology faculty members and students researched topics such as parenting and personality, memory processes, and stress and adjustment. In addition, students assisted faculty in researching human rights, democratization studies, civil discourse, and service learning.

Concentrations are available in National Security Studies; Political Studies; and Society, Politics, and the Law.

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Program Goals

The political science program, part of the Social Sciences Department, believes that knowledge of political science is a requisite for responsible citizenship and a necessity for anyone expecting to enter a career in law, public administration, law enforcement, civil service, or teaching. Unique features of the program include American Legislature and Judiciary, a May Term course that offers study of national government for several days on location in Washington, D.C. An international political intern program with the German parliament, Deutsche Bundestag, is supervised by an arrangement with the University of Bonn in Germany.

To instill a basic understanding of what constitutes "political questions," whether of a normative or empirical character.

To develop a foundation of substantive knowledge with respect to basic concepts, institutions, and processes within American, comparative, and international relations.

To foster the ability to think and act critically about substantive public policy issues.

To develop, through application, the ability to formulate and undertake research on problems of political significance.

To promote an awareness of political science as an academic discipline defined by diverse (competing) paradigms, strategies, and techniques of analysis.

Alumni Outcomes

Wartburg graduates find satisfying jobs and are admitted into top graduate and professional schools. Wartburg alumni can be found in all 50 U.S. states and over 70 foreign countries. Below is only a sample of the types of positions Wartburg graduates from the Social Science Department have had in the past.

Sample of Alumni Positions from the Past Five Years:

  • Admissions Representative, Ashford University, Clinton
  • Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill.
  • Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service Coordinator, Fairview Nursing Plaza, Rockford, Ill.
  • Graduate Student-Law, University of Iowa, Iowa City
  • Government Affairs Analyst, Pioneer Hi-Bred International/Dupont, Johnston
  • Attorney, Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, Des Moines

Sample Stand-out Alumni Positions:

  • Attorney/Partner, Best & Flanagan, LLP, Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Attorney/Partner, Merlo Kanofsky & Gregg, Ltd., Chicago, Ill.
  • Assistant Professor, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tenn.
  • Higher Executive Officer/ Deputy Majority Leader, Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board, Oslo, Norway
  • Associate Professor of Psychology, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio

Sample of Alumni Positions from the Past 10 Years:

  • Police Officer, Longmont, Colo.
  • Benefits Assistant, Go Wireless, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Attorney, Sheridan & Murray, Philadelphia, Pa.
  • Human Resources Representative, Iowa Department of Human Services, Des Moines
  • Behavior Therapist, Behavior Dimensions, Inc. Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Counterterrorism/Acquisition, Air Force, Boston, Mass.
  • Director, Kessel Kids Childcare & Learning Center, Cresco


The Classroom Technology Center houses the Social Science Department and allows for personal interaction with faculty members and students.

Conduct research with a faculty mentor.



Bret Billet

Professor of Political Science / Co-coordinator of International Relations

Kathy Dreesman

Office Coordinator, Religion, Social Science, and Leadership

Andrew Szarejko

Assistant Professor of Political Science