Multimedia – Media Resources

The following individuals are commonly used as sources in media stories.
Below, you will find biographies for each person as well as high-resolution photos to download.
Photos are posted as needed. If you have a specific photo request, please contact Emily Christensen.

Senior Leadership Team

Debora Johnson-Ross, Ph.D.

Vice President of Academic Affairs / Dean of the Faculty

Greg Kneser

Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students

Scott Leisinger

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Rich Seggerman

Vice President for Finance & Administration

Rick Willis

Vice President for Student Recruitment


Michael Bechtel

Associate Professor of Science Education

LeAnn Faidley

Associate Professor of Engineering Science/IINSPIRE Program Director

Tammy Faux

Professor of Social Work

Michael Gleason

Associate Dean for Graduate Studies/Director of the Institute for Leadership Education

Penni Pier

Professor of Journalism and Communication

Caryn Riswold

Professor of Religion/McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission

Daniel Walther

Gerald R. Kleinfeld Endowed Chair in German History

Ensemble Directors

Karen Black

Cantor and College Organist, Professor of Music, Rudi Inselmann Endowed Professor in Organ

Rebecca Nederhiser

Assistant Professor of Music

Lee Nelson

Professor of Music / Zahn Chair in Choral Conducting

Lia Snead

Assistant Professor of Music

Nicki Toliver

Associate Professor of Music / Associate Director of Choral Activities


Emily Christensen

Chief Communications Officer and Assistant Director of Marketing and Communication

Chris Knudson '01

Chief Marketing Officer and Director of Marketing & Communication

Theresa Moore

Assistant Director of the Institute for Leadership Education

Krystal Madlock

Associate Dean for Inclusive Community

Amy Tucker '10

Assistant Director for Career & Alumni Engagement

Jennifer Sassman

Executive Director of Financial Aid

Derek Solheim '93

Associate Dean of Students

Kristin Teig Torres

Director of Student Leadership, Service, and Engagement

Tara Winter

Executive Director of Admissions