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Fitness classes are each four-month sessions: Sept.-Dec., Jan.-April, May-Aug. 
Members: $30 for 4 months or $10/month Guests: $165 for 4 months or $45/month

Click on a class type below to see options.

Denotes senior-level class

Body Blast  
Want to kick-start your day with a blast? Let us take you through this highly motivated workout to help you reach your exercise goals! This class combines the benefits of a cardio workout, strength training, and flexibility into a well-rounded fitness class.

Box Fusion  
Whether you are just starting or a seasoned athlete, this high-intensity boxing circuit class, which fuses cardio, plyometric, and strength can be modified to fit your needs. 

Cardio Kickboxing NEW 
A high-energy, full-body workout that combines, punches, kicks, and other cardio exercises to raise your heart rate, burn calories, and relieve stress.

Combo Cardio
A high intensity circuit style class that incorporates light weights, bands, and cardio movements!

Core Fusion
This 30-minute quick burn class will make you sweat and is designed to sculpt the muscles in your lower body and core.

Cycles, Strength, Core (CSC)
This early morning class uses interval training through cycling, functional strength, and joint stabilizing exercises combining into one challenging and fun group fitness class.

In this 40-minute class expect to feel the burn! Utilizing bands and dumbbells, this program is designed to tone you up, burn fat, and also play some upbeat hit music along the way.

Forever Strong 
This class will increase your strength for everyday quality of life with functional movements emphasizing core, postural awareness, and balance. Exercises and principles from TRX, yoga, and strength training will be used, as well as a variety of other equipment. This class is for all fitness levels.

Introduction to Yoga
In this enlightening and relaxing 45 minutes learn proper breathing techniques, mindfulness, and how to sit into traditional yoga poses correctly.

Low-Impact Combo
This class is designed for the older individual who prefers to work at a lower intensity and/or the participant who is just getting started in an exercise program. Click here to see a short video from the class!

Mitts & More
Learn proper striking technique and kickboxing combinations utilizing kickboxing mitts instead of bags in this high intensity 30-minute class .

“No Floor” Yoga
This 40-minute yoga class uses seated and standing positions and chair support to increase flexibility, range of motion, muscular endurance, balance, and mobility. Participants will increase their total-body awareness through guided imagery and restorative breathing techniques that promote relaxation and mental clarity. This class is suitable for all fitness levels.

This 50-minute class consists of many different aspects of fitness for a total body workout. We work to build cardio, strength, resilience, and mobility with intentional and efficient fitness movements through good form. This will include using dumb bells, body weight, resistance bands, TRX, steps, medicine balls, kettlebells, and more.

Senior Body Toning
Tone your muscles and increase your strength while using a variety of equipment. Participants will leave class feeling great, knowing they are creating a toned body! This class best suites the need of beginner fitness levels.

Tai-chi Beginner and Balance
Tai Chi Beginner will introduce new participants to Phase 1 and Phase 2 tai chi movements.Tai Chi incorporates the true meaning of mind and body exercise. A specialized program designed to improve stability and coordination through various balance poses while also teaching you mindful awareness allowing you to think more clearly and relieve stress.

Tai-chi Immediate 
Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for health and body originating in ancient China. The essential principles include mind integrated with the body and control of movements and breathing. Tai Chi can be a moving meditation as well as an integral exercise for all parts of the body and mind. It offers tranquility, may help you think more clearly, and improve your balance. Click here to learn more about Tai Chi and to see a demonstration

Tight & Tone
Take your workout to a new level in this beginning to moderate level fitness class. Utilizing the TRX and the barre to increase strength and maximize your range of motion, this class will allow each participant to grow confident in major functional movements. 

TRX Express 
This afternoon class is a great workout centered around use of the TRX band. A great full-body workout that is designed for any fitness level taught by TRX certified instructors.

This all ages program meets Monday through Friday, 5 a.m.-9 a.m., for walking and weekly blood pressure checks. Twice-a-month educational briefings focus on senior-related health concerns. $15 a month. Guests paying for unlimited classes ($35/month for unlimited classes) may include Walk-n-Talk as a class.

Yoga Stretch 
Yoga stretch is for the individual who desires the flexibility, mental imagery, and relaxation most commonly associated with yoga. Allow this class to take you on a journey of the mind, body, and spirit! VIEW A VIDEO OVERVIEW >>

Zen Yoga
Zen Yoga combines your favorite yoga poses with the implementation of five elements creating seasonal harmony and work to remedy any internal imbalances. Each season of the year calls for specific behavior from us and Zen Yoga can get you to that place of balance where tranquility awaits.

Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves into fun routines that incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.

Denotes senior-level class

Hydro HIIT
This interval based workout centers around high-intensity cardio and strength exercises all while in the comfort of our pool.  

Extended Swim
This pool time allows you the benefit of working out on your own in the pool. Instructor notes are there to help you with workout ideas, or you can bring your own choreography for a fun workout in the water. 

H2O Fitness/Deep H2O/H2O Combo 
Move and groove in the water for a great, highly motivated cardio class. Deep H2O classes are held in the deep end of the pool and offer additional intensity. All fitness levels. VIEW VIDEO OVERVIEW >>

H2O Senior – Shallow
This class is designed for seniors looking for an exercise program with the benefits of an aqua class. Cardio and body toning provide a safe and fun overall body workout.

Outdoor Aqua
Enjoy our H20 Fitness class while also getting some sunshine. Offered in the summer only at the Prairie Links pool!

Our specialty classes offer a more intense workout that will push you to a new level of fitness. Classes incorporate a variety of equipment and exercises. These classes are offered in sessions throughout the year and are open to members and guests. For more information call 352-8715.Our fitness programs focus your efforts on functional movements that will help you in everyday life. Instructors will teach you the proper techniques for everything from the most basic movements to advanced exercises, testing you every step of the way with new workouts introduced daily. The flexible sessions and fun atmosphere will help you reach your personal wellness goals.

Athlete Within 
Each participant will start the 8-week session doing some goal-setting to customize their workouts. Each day will offer a muscular endurance, muscle building, and muscular strength option, with each workout building on the last to encourage progress toward the end goal no matter where you start.

Dates: March 24-May 23
Days: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday
Time: 5-6 a.m.
Fee: $90 for the complete session or $10 per week for members, $120 for the complete session or $15 per week for guests

Youth Speed & Agility (NEW)
Designed for youth in 4th-6th grade, this twice weekly class will focus on mobility, stability, explosiveness, speed, agility, acceleration, and deceleration. Perfect for young athletes or kids who want to stay active throughout the year. 

Dates: Jan. 13-Feb. 26
Days: Monday/Wednesday
Time: 6:45-7:30 a.m. Monday and Wednesday OR 3:45-4:30 p.m. Monday and 2:45-3:30 p.m. Wednesday (There is a maximum of 15 participants per class; when registering, please indicate if you will attend the morning or afternoon sessions.)
Fee: $55 for members, $75 for guests
Locations: Monday A.M., athletic weight room; Wednesday A.M., field house; Monday and Wednesday P.M. aerobics room

Delay the Disease
A group exercise class for people with Parkinson’s, Delay the DiseaseTM, is an evidenced-based fitness program designed to empower those living with Parkinson’s disease by optimizing their physical function and helping to delay the progression of symptoms. Developed by David Zid, BA, ACE, APG, and Jackie Russell, RN, BSN, CNOR, in Columbus, Ohio, this national wellness program is designed to retrain the mind and body. Participants report improvement in quality of life, regained ability to successfully manage the disease, and maintenance of independence. This program targets daily functional challenges and symptom-specific fitness agendas. Exercise plans are adapted to all levels of the disease, valuable to newly diagnosed and progressed states alike. Visit for additional information, seminars, and educational courses.

Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Time: 10-10:50 a.m.
Fee:  $45/month members; $60/month guests
Register: At the Welcome Desk

If you’re interested in a fitness class please call Bethany at 352-8716.

Refund Policy

Fitness Area Orientation
Need assistance learning the machines? Need guidance on a basic workout plan? Let us help teach you the equipment in the fitness area, whether you need full instruction or a review. Contact Bethany Myers at 319-352-8716. 

W.I.V.T is a 10-week program that will progressively build your muscular endurance, power, and cardiovascular endurance as well as improve functionality and balance. Each week a different instructor will program the workouts using their own individual spin and philosophy on exercise to assure you are never bored. Med balls, dumbbells, bands, and mini barbells will be used throughout the program, and each participant will receive a handout at the beginning of each week with each workout, goals of each workout, and 2-3 nutritional and hydration tips for the best recovery, as well as periodic progress reports.

Dates: Sept. 9-Nov. 15
Days: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
Time: 5:15-6:15 a.m.
Fee: $110 for the complete session or $15 per week for members, $150 for the complete session or $20 per week for guests, or $320 if 4 people sign up for all 10 weeks together 

Functional Fitness 
Functional Fitness is designed to challenge you, help you feel better, and get stronger. Starting from the basics of proper squatting, kickboxing, TRX, medicine ball, and running techniques, it will build up into an extreme full-body workout. Optional body comps and nutritional advice also are given throughout the program.

Dates: TBD
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Fee: TBD

The Hybrid 
The Hybrid combines the Athlete Within and Functional Fitness to build your own personalized “hybrid” class.

Dates: TBD
Days: TBD
Time: TBD
Fee: TBD